I love every one of your articles so much! I wonder if you might consider publishing every essay individually (rather than as a list of links?). I’d love to be able to share and save each piece individually as well as engage with the writer and other readers in the comments! (It’s probably a lot more work so please feel free to ignore me, I just thought I would check as I’m a big fan. 🥰)

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Thank you! And yes—we are working on a way to add our articles to Substack individually to give our readers that option. There are definitely a few production challenges involved, in part because we have a very small team here, but it's coming soon... stay tuned! :-)

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Yay!!! That's the best news ever!!!!!! Absolutely cannot wait.

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Hi Elle-

Well, your wish is about to come true. This Friday we will have our first full post on Substack (rather than a link in our newsletter to the post on our website). It's a delightful short profile of a master puzzle maker. If you have joined as a paid subscriber, you'll get it; if you haven't yet joined our paying family, please consider doing so. (Can't beat the price: $6/month, or $60/year). See you soon...

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Well this is exciting!!!!!!! So here for the full posts!

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Let us know what you think!

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